
Selasa, 10 Mei 2016

I Hate Leashes

I Hate Leashes

Man have I been busy the past few weeks. I moved into a new house and I have been non-stop painting, shopping, moving, and trying to re-organize my life. Talk about turing your life upside down. I cant find anything, I lose everything I put down and have just today started to get my desk in order. I can see why they say moving is one of the most stressful things to happen in your life.

Anyway, within the last few weeks Ive been real busy with other things also. Just last week I was at a book signing in Meriden, CT. While I was there, I received a lot of positive feedback about my new book, The Amazing Dog Training Man. One of the trainers that attended did ask me about the Spring Loaded Recall Exercise. In case you havent read the book, The Spring Loaded Recall Exercise is how I teach the Come Command.

Personally, I hate having my dogs on leash. A dog that can be allowed off leash has a better life and will usually be more emotionally stable and physically fit. So let me share the secret of teaching your dog to come when called. Would you like to know the secret? You would? Here it is: Teaching your dog to come when called is a game. The more fun you make the game the better your come command will be. The best game to start with is the Spring Loaded Recall Exercise.

You see, most dogs live a big part of their lives on leash, in a fenced in yard, in a house, in a crate and so on. When your dog gets a taste of freedom the last thing they want to do is come back to you. Its party time when they get off leash. If we can make you, the owner, fun and exciting it is very easy for the dog to come back to you. If on the other hand you are boring, your dog will not come when called. So lets do the Spring Loaded Recall Exercise. Here is how it is done.

First youll need a friend to help you. Your friend is going to put your dog on leash, please dont use a choke or prong collar for this exercise. While your friend is holding the leash you are going to get your dog real excited. Dont be afraid to get a little goofy here; wrestle with your dog, jump up and down, clap your hands until your dog is straining and pulling on the leash.
At that point run about 30 feet away from your dog and crouch down. As soon as you crouch down loudly say your dogs name and the command come. At that point your friend should let go of the leash. If you got your dog excited enough, your dog should make a bee line straight for you. Once your dog gets to you quickly, reward your dog.

If you are not sure what your dog is going to do, please practice this exercise in a fenced in area or with a long line on your dog.

This is how you start to lay the foundation for the Come Command. It is one of the most important commands youll teach your dog. Take the time to teach and practice this command. You and your dog will be much happier.

All the best,


P.S. If you have any questions please e-mail

P.P.S. Im putting together some video for the website so you can see exactly how this exercise is done.

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