
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Train Your Puggle to Be Obedient

When you get a puggle at home, you would want to start training it immediately. Training your puggle would not only help building a great relation between you and your puggle but it is also good fro puggles emotional health. Training your puggle is very much necessary. Training is not a difficult task. All you would require is a little patience and learning some techniques on how to go about it. Training should start at the moment you arrive with your puggle.

Kick start: You need to set up a routine for your puggle. Dogs, mainly the puppies require regular schedules for various things like going to the bathroom, sleeping, and eating. It is necessary that the bathroom trips should be based somewhere around the dogs needs. A fixed routine would keep your puggle happy.

For most of the puggle puppies, the training would begin right on the ride home. Before bringing a puggle home, you would have selected a crate. This crate would play an important role for the next few weeks in the training.

Training: You need to consider your puggles age as his age would help determining the potty timing. The duration between the puppys potty break needs to be equal to the age in months plus an hour. Your puppy needs to urinate when he starts sniffing. You should pay close attention in order to understand his behavior. When you are all set to leash train your puppy, start it with training him to putting on a soft body harness. Initially, it might seem a little strange. However, gradually your puggle would feel comfortable in harness. If in case your puggle shows that he does not like much on walking on leash then be patient and simply show that you want him doing it. Some pups would simply lie down and want their owners pulling them. So, make sure to teach your pup to stand up and walk on leash.

One important thing that you should beware of while training is that the dogs learn doing things that would get them great results. If you would respond to your puggles whining by picking him whenever he does it, he would learn to get picked. Your dog requires whining. The key to the behavior you would want is rewarding good behavior and ignoring the bad behavior. It could be tempting punishing your dog. However, most of the times punishment does not work as your puggle dont know what wrong he did.

Treating with love: While training your puggle, spend some time on socialization. Allow your dog getting used to some other dogs and people too. This would allow a calm demeanor in him when faces some other dogs or people other than you. The most important thing that you should remember while training your puggle is treating him with utmost gentleness and love. This would definitely make him a well adjusted and a well trained dog. Proper training would definitely make your puggle obedient to you.

Christy Taylor, author, owns her own Puggle and is also an in-house Puggles breeder. For more free information on Puggles, please visit her website at

Dog Training
Dog Obedience
Dog Housetraining
Obedience Training
Dog Housetraining
Dog Training
Obedience Training
Dog Obedience

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