Sabtu, 30 April 2016
FOURTH OF JULY Fireworks are a fact of
FOURTH OF JULY Fireworks are a fact of the holiday and very few other days of the year. They are big, beautiful, exciting, and loud. Remember, for your...
Jumat, 29 April 2016
Playing with your dog part II
Another good idea is to combine training and playing.Example: If you take your dog for a walk in open space, like a park, the mountain, a beach etc, and...
Digging how to stop Part I
Digging is a common and very normal behavior for dogs. As with all problems, it is important tounderstand the reasons behind the behavior. With digging...
The Dog Whisperer Beginning and Intermediate Dog Training
Product Description:THE DOG WHISPERER: BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE DOG TRAINING presents the newest advances in positive training methods that are easy-to-use,...
Video Newsletter 7 Ways To Cure Your Housetraining Problem
Okay, so Im still a little depressed over the Superbowl.But...I know the cure for feeling down. Want to know what it is? Here it is in two words:GET BUSY!So...
Charlotte Dog Training Charlotte Dog Daycare
Charlotte Dog Training | Charlotte Dog Daycare | Monroe Dog Groomer| Charlotte Dog Training | Charlotte Dog Daycare | Monroe Dog Groom...
Not Food Motivated

Susie from New Hampshire asks..."How do you reward a dog that is not particularly food motivated?" You can see from the photo, her dog Gus is super enthused...
Hello, Ill be posting some very helpful articles on puppy training here. Please feel free to check this blog sometime soon for some good tips and tricks...
Kamis, 28 April 2016
Cardinal apologizes for sexual conduct
Cardinal apologizes for sexual conductCardinal Keith OBrien of Scotland, who has been dogged by allegations he abused four men studying to be priests...
Justices ponder police use of drug sniffing dogs
Justices ponder police use of drug-sniffing dogsFranky and Aldo were not at the Supreme Court on Wednesday to defend their drug-detecting abilities, but...
Military Dog Honored For Heroics In Afghanistan
Columbia Dog Training Julie DavisDog Training In Your Home - DOODYCALLS o Waste not, want not: Pet Waste o In the dog eat dog world of real estate, an...
Rabu, 27 April 2016
Dramatic dog attack caught on video
Dramatic dog attack caught on videoA 4-year-old girl is badly mauled by a dog and the horrific attack is caught on surveillance video. WABC reports. ...
SIT STAY COMMAND Begin with your dog on your
SIT/STAY COMMAND Begin with your dog on your left side, facing the same direction you are. Reach across your body with your right hand; grasp the leash...
Hunt for thieves who poisoned officers dogs in robbery
Hunt for thieves who poisoned officers dogs in robberyFBI secretly spying on Google users, company reveals The FBI used National Security Letters -- a...
Selasa, 26 April 2016
Senin, 25 April 2016
Dog Training my opinion
Dog TrainingDog Training, My dogs are all trained to use the outdoors for there bathroom needs, even my cat. I have no cat box because I think cat boxes...
Minggu, 24 April 2016
Puppy Training
Puppy Training - Good Doggie by Maisy DayPuppies are cute cuddly and so full of life throughout the infancy stage. It is at this time when puppy training...
Pitbulls Mayberry and Memorial Day

Hope everyone reading this had a great Memorial Day. I did. I went to Mayberry, well not really Mayberry, but close. You see, I went to Tully; Tully Massachusetts....
How To Clicker Train Your Dog
Clicker training has become very popular over the past few years. More and more dog lovers are using clickersto train.Some great trainers like Karen Pyror...
Happy New Year
Rachael and I decided to go to New Hampshire and spend the weekend with her sister and brother in law. We packed up the dogs and here we are in snowy...
Sabtu, 23 April 2016
Who else wants their dog to come when called Part 2
In my last post I talked about giving your dog some freedom. That when your dog develops a sense of freedom it will be easier to teach your dog to come...
Discover Dog Training They Really Can Be Your Best Friend!
Does your dog constantly dig holes in your prize back garden, chews on every little thing it lays its eyes on, is your dog the feral beast that seems...
Dog Obedience Training Blog Has Moved!
The Dog Training Blog has been moved here:Dog Obedience TrainingSee you over th...
A confession
I didnt get a lot of sleep last night.Many of you know that I am a huge New England Patriots fan. Being a life long resident of New England, I love the...
Jumat, 22 April 2016
Getting Started
The first question that came to my mind and I know that most people ask, is what is the right age for a dog to start training. The answer from most trainers...
Kamis, 21 April 2016
Rabu, 20 April 2016
Cookeville TN Snowdays
Cookeville, TN Snowdays Historic downtown of Cookeville, Tn covered in snow. Also, our dogs Lucy (Golden Retriever mix) & Ellie (lab) enjoying the...
TREAT ON NOSE Lets teach your dog a
TREAT ON NOSE Lets teach your dog a trick that reinforces patience with food! Try the following steps to train the Treat-On-The-Nose trick! Brush up on...
Appreciation Of Dogs
Its amazing what dogs bring into your life. Today I was looking at my sheltie Sammi who is well beyond the decade mark and thought about all the good...
Selasa, 19 April 2016
The Art Of Dog Training
The funny thing about being a dog trainer is that you really arent a dog trainer. When you become a dog trainer you spend your time training people to...
Senin, 18 April 2016
Charlie Sheen calls on fans to bring rotten eggs dog waste to daughters former school
Charlie Sheen calls on fans to bring rotten eggs, dog waste to daughters former school Sheen told TMZ the school "...should be ashamed of itself for allowing...
Mark Thompson started Dog Training In Your Home
Mark Thompson started Dog Training In Your Home in 1989. Mark and Leslie have now opened a Doggie Daycare and Boarding kennel. Offer large play areas...
Minggu, 17 April 2016
7 Ways To Cure Your Dogs Housetraining Problem
In my dog training business, if I had to list the top five behavior problems housetraining would be near the top. I get a lot of email and phone calls...
American Idol
Okay, let me get this out of the way.Im a big fan of American Idol. A couple of years ago, every time my girlfriend would turn the show on I would go...
Alpha Lifts This is a great way
Alpha Lifts - This is a great way to start getting puppy to trust and give in to the owners authority. This is not as dominate as an alpha rollover yet...
Sabtu, 16 April 2016
On Losing Luna

They were the original "Good Dogs!". Luna on the back left, Walden on the right ...and my baby the little Bliss in the front row. All gone...
Halloween Pet Safety Tips
Instead of boring you with writing down all the Halloween pet safety tips I decided to put together a video for you to watch.But I have to warn you...this...
Amazing Dog Training Man Interviews Best Selling Author
Here is the interview that I promised with best selling author Linda Tellington-Jones. I found the interview that I did with her and have included it...
Jumat, 15 April 2016
Housetraining Follow Up
I got a lot of email in regards to my "7 Ways To Cure Your Dogs Housetraining Problem" post. In the post, I wrote that a good step to take is to teach...
Kamis, 14 April 2016
I Was Missing The “U”
Woke up this morning and opened up my email. This is one of the emails that I received:Dear Eric and Rachel,I want to send you guys this email from the...
Rabu, 13 April 2016
RULES OF THE ROAD If you are planning
RULES OF THE ROAD If you are planning on taking your dog on a road trip with you this summer, here are some things to remember: GET UP TO DATE: Check...
Selasa, 12 April 2016
Dog Training Story

I don’t know what it is about this time of the year but I always seem to pick up one of my favorite books to re-read. The first time I heard of the book...
Senin, 11 April 2016
Sometimes I Just Dont Understand People When It Comes To Dog Training
I have a lot of training videos on youtube.com and what amazes me are the people that post negative comments. I mean really, dont they have anything else...
Taking a moment to appreciate my agility life
Outrage grows over teens gang rape
Outrage grows over teens gang rapeA dog would have been treated better than Anene Booyson, her neighbors said. Posh pads for poochesIt may be tough...
A Pleasure to Meet You This holiday season
A Pleasure to Meet You This holiday season, when you are visiting your friends and family, you may be faced with the opportunity to meet a dog that you...
Minggu, 10 April 2016
Chic dogs take to the catwalk
Chic dogs take to the catwalkCanines dressed in all their finery were on parade at the New York Pet Fashion Show in New York City on Friday, February...